Customodaladmin April 14, 2022
April 2022 Shipping Insights from Customodal

Spring is traditionally a time of awakening, of renewal, of fresh possibilities.  But this spring our news is filled with stories of record inflation, labor shortages, supply chain disruption, and the atrocities of war.  Without minimizing or ignoring the facts of our world, let’s choose to focus our thoughts on these issues with an attitude of SPRING‘S possibilities.

The full truckload market is beginning to soften.  Inflation is beginning to measurably curb demand and higher diesel prices are increasing fuel surcharges even as spot market rates begin to ebb.  
The LTL market is seeing bifurcation as some carriers are making tremendous progress in aligning resources and adapting their networks to demand – while others are falling further behind.  
Air and ocean markets are topsy-turvy. China’s port shut-downs (in response to Covid) contribute to inconsistent freight movements in a complicated system. Think of this system like the choreographed cooperation of a football team executing a complicated running play: all parties have to do their part when and how expected in order for all the other parties to be able to do their parts. If they don’t, the play falls apart.
At Customodal, our operations team has embraced the SPRING Attitude.  Constantly seeking new carrier partnerships and seeking to better rates for our clients is a full-time endeavor and they are digging in with gusto.  Our sales side welcomed Michael Standley to the team last month.  Michael is based in eastern Texas and brings more than 20 years in the industry.  
At Customodal, we continue to work on behalf of clients to ensure freight transportation is a supply chain strength instead of a stumbling block.  We’re busy everyday ensuring adequate capacity, good pricing, and cheerful logistics coordinators are ready!

Mike Eberl, CEO


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