Mike Eberl November 13, 2023
Explained: The Distinction Between Pallets and Individual Pieces Within Priority 1’s Cabo TMS

One common point of feedback we’ve received during the transition from TFWW to Priority 1 pertains to the distinction between pallets and individual pieces within Priority 1’s Cabo TMS.

The focal area of concern is the quote/order entry screen, which is illustrated below:

Explained: The Distinction Between Pallets and Individual Pieces Within Priority 1’s Cabo TMS

For a closer look, here’s a separate view of the screen:

Explained: The Distinction Between Pallets and Individual Pieces Within Priority 1’s Cabo TMS

The terminology used here pairs “Units” with “Handling Unit” to describe shipments. This means that when you see “1 pallet containing 1 piece,” it signifies that one pallet carries a single piece.

However, consider a scenario where you’re shipping one pallet loaded with 300 individual pieces. In this case, it’s not only possible but recommended to adjust the “pieces” count to 300. This adjustment would make it read as “1 pallet containing 300 pieces.”

Now, you might wonder why this is important. The critical factor here revolves around shipments that may be deemed “short” upon delivery. If your Bill of Lading (BOL) states “1 pallet containing 1 piece,” and the carrier obtains a delivery signature for picking up and delivering this single pallet with a single piece, it cannot be considered “short.”

On the other hand, if your BOL indicates “1 pallet, 300 pieces,” it significantly enhances the process of filing and collecting on a shortage claim. This increased level of detail offers a greater probability of success in handling such claims.

In conclusion, adhering to the best practice of using the “pieces” feature in addition to specifying pallet counts enables a more accurate representation of what you are shipping. Moreover, it enhances your chances of success in managing claims related to shortages.

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