Customodal Blog

How to Avoid Unnecessary Carrier Costs Related to Your Bill

Written by Mike Eberl | Mar 14, 2024 4:09:54 PM

We’ve noticed a concerning trend where carriers are directly billing clients for shipments at significantly inflated rates, falsely claiming that the shipment wasn’t tendered with the Priority 1 BOL. While we often find this claim to be untrue, we urge everyone involved to use the Priority 1 BOL and ensure it’s given to the driver upon pickup. This reminder applies to both your shipping teams and vendors tendering freight through us. Adhering to this protocol will help minimize the need for billing corrections.

If you do happen to receive an invoice directly from a carrier, please forward it to us promptly. We can then correct it to bill through us at our discounted rates. It’s crucial not to pay the carrier’s invoice independently, as it becomes much more challenging for us to rectify the situation afterward.

It’s worth noting that in the last month alone, we corrected four invoices, applying our discounts instead of what carriers billed shippers “in error.” This resulted in a cost reduction of $7,353. Your cooperation in following these procedures is greatly appreciated.