Customodaladmin March 8, 2021
How the Worldwide Manufacturing Delay is Impacting Shipping

Manufacturing Delay Impacts Worldwide Shipping

When there is a worldwide manufacturing delay impacting shipping, a company has options. Customodal can help manufacturing companies with challenges.

Manufacturing companies are no stranger to shipping issues. The pandemic forced businesses to lock down. As a result, manufacturing took a major hit. Then, COVID-related global manufacturing shutdowns interrupted supply chains in a whole new way.

During a worldwide manufacturing delay, some companies are not manufacturing parts. Even when companies are manufacturing parts, there is such an interrupted flow of goods. That means that containers can’t get to their destination.

When containers can’t get to their destination, the problem intensifies. When the manufacturing delay is worldwide, that problem is worldwide.

We know that manufacturers must do things differently to win market share in today’s environment because it is not enough to maintain the status quo. To survive and thrive, manufacturers must focus on growth. Challenging times remind that it is important to be able to adapt.

If you are a manufacturer, now is the time to reevaluate your supply chain. Customodal is here to help you determine how resilient your supply chain logistics are and what modifications can be made to improve.

Improving your supply chain can guard your manufacturing company from future shipping delays. Whether a pandemic or something else, safeguarding your supply chain is critical.

In the next few months, inventory is expected to improve. The lessons learned during the pandemic are important moving forward. Use this opportunity to examine your manufacturing shipping needs and learn how Customodal can help.